NCLEX Book Recommended

Many way nurses have to do so they will be pass in exam NCLEX-RN Test. Nurses must be study hard to review many books that recommended by your tutor. You have to choose which NCLEX book will guide to you with smart system and easy to studied. Study NCLEX book not only learn to do questions, but you have to be learning more content of NCLEX book ,CD tutorial and frequently do NCLEX question, so make you familiar with NCLEX type question .

- Sandra Smith’s Review for NCLEX-PN, Eighth Edition
Sandra F. Smith, RN, MS, President, National Nursing Review. - Management Priciples & Legal Issues
- Nursing Through the Life Cycle
- General Nursing Concepts
- Pharmacology
- Nutritional Management
- Laboratory Tests
- Infection Control
- Disaster Nursing - Bioterrorism
- Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Emergency Nursing
- Oncology Nursing
- Geriatric Nursing
- Maternal/Newborn & Gynecological Nursing
- Pediatric Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
- Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN Examination Linda Anne Silvestri
- Lippincott's Review for NCLEX-PN Barbara Kuhn Timby, Ann Carmack, Diana L. Rupert
- Kaplan NCLEX-RN 2007-2008: Strategies for the Registered Nursing Licensing Exam by Judith A. Burckhardt, Not Available
- NCLEX Preparation Books
This book designed for the current NCLEX-PN Test Plan, this comprehensive PN/VN review is easy-to-read, clear and concise.
Topics include:
- Lippincott's Review Series: Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Ann Isaacs RN, MS, APRN-BC
- Lippincott's Review Series: Pediatric Nursing
- Lippincott's Review for NCLEX-RN
- NCLEX Preparation
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